Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Naruto Music

Yes thats right I finaly got my music up as you can see just click on a song and it will play it,
if your having troble with a song playing just click on another one, also if you want to see all the songs but can't scroll down click on the song nearest to the bottom...I just added Fighting dreamers!

Advice of the week...
Be Narutard xD

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Which Naruto guy is for you?

lol this is what I got for which Naruto ninja is best for you

Naruto Fan art

Here are some fan art off of the web

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Naruto test

Did you take the test?
Which Naruto charecter are you?
Answer a few questions and they'll tell you which naruto charecter you are,But I was kinda hopeing for Sakura and I got Naruto But hey I guess I do act like naruto!

Naruto news

In latest news youtube is getting rid of most anime video's, Some people are Rebeling against youtube and making the same video's right after the erased, exspecialy Naruto...So If your someone who likes naruto and youtube video's make a stand against youtube...Blogspot just added a new feture to it alowing people to put video's on there blog, But I still trying to get mine up but it's just not working so just put them on your blogs!!!

Its a place where u get avatars on any naruto charecter and you can get info on any charecter to,like naruto, all the hokagas the legendary soning and even some of the background charecters.Its a cool website check it out

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Okay so theres a place kinda like this but all about naruto it has blogs and everything get your own picture for it on Naruto- Its so cool The web site is

Naruto Youtube

Youtube has one of the largest video's of Naruto for example: Naruto skater boy or Naruto all star they make video's of naruto and have the songs playing!!!

Nine tailed fox

There is a nine tailed fox inside Naruto and he uses its chakura to ade him in battle, But the nine tailed fox has visible chakura so when naruto uses it he has an oranage glow to him.

Naruto and Hinata

Naruto liked Sakura first but she turned him down so now he likes hinata and there the coolest naruto couple ever!
Go! Naruhina

how to descibe naruto

#1: enerjetic

#2: Stupid

#3: Gogetter

#4: anoying

#5: careing

(+^.^) <------ I'm a bunny
(") (")